How to combine two or more tables into one in Word document?
Remember when you select the table your mouse courser should be in the box then the table will be in the box. If your box is not selected then it will be outside the table so remember this thing. In the last you have to complete design so that looks good and manage the table and text box. But sometimes, tables need some help. And for the problem of placing two varied tables side-by-side, we look at the humble Text Box. Underestimated Tool for Perfect Layouts. You can insert two or more tables next to each other in Microsoft Word 2016: all you have to do is drag-and-drop them to any part of the document. I go through the post carefully, to create tables side by side, here are some options: Go to LayoutColumns, select two columns. Then create two tables in the word document, drag to move the second table to second column at right side of the document. Insert a table with 1 row and 2 columns, in each cells of the table. Insert table you like. Side by Side Tables. To create two tables on the same line: In previous versions you have had to set manual borders so tables appear with gaps between them Insert the first table using the Draw Table on the Tables and Borders toolbar or the Insert table dialog box, found Table/Insert Table Draw the 2nd table using the Draw table. Split table vertically into two or more tables in a Word documents. If you need to split a table into two or more tables vertically, please apply the following steps: 1. Firstly, please put cursor below the target table and press Enter to get at least two paragraph marks. See screenshot: 2. Then select the whole columns that you want to split.
In Word, if you have two or more tables needed to be merged into one single table as below screenshot shown, how can you quickly handle it?
Combine multiple tables into one by dragging
You can drag the table to join with another one.

1. Click at anywhere of the table you want to drag, then the cross sign will be appeared.
2. Then click on this cross sign to select the whole table, and drag it to place near the table you want to join to.

3. Release the cursor, now the table has been joined to the above one.
Combine multiple tables into one by Merge table command

Also, you can use the Merge table command in context menu to merge two tables.
1. Click at anywhere of the table you want to drag, then the cross sign will be appeared, then select the cross sign to select the whole table.
2. Press Ctrl + X to cut the table, then put the cursor at the place of the table you want to insert the cut table, right click to select Merge table from the context menu.
Now the cut table has been inserted into the table you want.

Combine multiple tables into one by Shortcuts
The Shortcuts can combine tables too.
Shift + Alt + Up arrow to combine with above table
1. Click on the table you want to drag, then the cross sign will be appeared, then click the cross sign to select the whole table.
2. Press Shift + Alt + Uparrow until the selected table is joined to above one.
Shift + Alt + Down arrow to combine with below table
1. Click at anywhere of the table you want to drag, then the cross sign will be appeared, then click the cross sign to select the whole table.
Create Two Tables Side By Side In Word
2. Press Shift + Alt + Down arrow until the table is joined to below one.
Tabbed browsing & editing multiple Word documents/Excel workbooks as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explore 10! |
You may be familiar to view multiple webpages in Firefox/Chrome/IE, and switch between them by clicking corresponding tabs easily. Here, Office Tab supports similar processing, which allow you to browse multiple Word documents or Excel workbooks in one Word window or Excel window, and easily switch between them by clicking their tabs. |
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Word Two Tables Side By Side
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